Mara Anais Llamas Covarrubias (特任助教)ゲノム情報解析分野

Q1 出身はどちらですか



I come from Guadalajara in Mexico. Guadalajara is the second biggest city in Mexico and it is in the state of Jalisco. Jalisco is very well known all over the world because it is the place where Mariachi and Tequila were born; there is actually a town named Tequila. It is also where the most popular Mexican traditional dance arose.

Q2 兄弟・姉妹はいますか


I have one elder brother and a younger sister

Q3 以下のカテゴリーで一番のお気に入りを教えてください

本:Ensayo sobre la ceguera, Jose Saram

映画:インターステラー Interstellar

食べ物:タコス Tacos

場所:母のホームタウンのEspinos de Judio



Book (so far): Ensayo sobre la ceguera, Jose Saramago
Movie: Interstellar

Food: Tacos

Place: My mother’s hometown, its name is: Espinos de Judio

Sports: I am honestly not very engaged to sports, but I love all kinds of dance from ballet to street dance.

Q4 趣味はありますか?現在ハマっていることがあれば聞かせてください


I have always lived a second life as a dancer. I used to dance classical ballet when I was in high school and during university. After that, I also learned some Mexican folkloric dance; I have performed a couple of times in Japan actually. Now I still practice Mexican folklore, and I also practice some yoga, acroyoga and capoeira

Q5 中学・高校時代の部活動・習い事等あれば教えてください


There is no such thing as club activities in Mexico as in Japan. But I got really engaged in ballet by myself during those years.

Q6 大学時代に一番熱中した、エネルギーをつぎ込んだことは何ですか


My two passions have always been science and dance. I spent (and still spend) lots of time in those two things.

Q7 研究者になったきっかけは何ですか


I was always very interested about how living things work, and I really wanted to keep learning more about it. When I was about to finish my university studies I had a summer research experience and I really enjoyed it. So, as soon as I obtained my degree, I enrolled myself in a PhD program. After graduating, I started working at my university, in Mexico; but I always had the interest of studying/researching abroad.

Q8 研究していて最もエキサイトした瞬間はいつですか


It happened here actually, when I started feeling independent but at the same time, supported by my team. Having the opportunity to have this experience has been amazing.