[Internal Event] The 619th Biken Monthly Seminar on June 27【※Online】

June 1, 2023

Events and Seminars




Efficient adjuvant-free intranasal vaccine platform for respiratory infection that harnesses previously induced immunity

Yasuo Yoshioka (Vaccine Creation Group)
Title2 Elimination of Multigene family domain in Plasmodium falciparum

Farahana Kresno Dewayanti (Department of Molecular Protozoology)

※The seminar will be held Online (Zoom). Please ask your PI or secretary for the Zoom URL, ID, Pass code.


Chair: Emi E. Nakayama  (Department of Viral Infections)


Date:Tuesday, June 27 2023, 4:00pm-5:00pm


*The first presentation will be conducted in Japanese and the second will be conducted in English.

*This is a credit recognition seminar for the Master and Doctoral Degree Programs of the Graduate School of Medicine.

*The seminar is certified as a newly appointed researchers training program as part of the Osaka University Faculty Development.

*Zoom URL, ID, and Passcode will be provided via email to all labs. by a day before the seminar.



Contact: Ryo Iwamoto

Office for Research Promotion, RIMD

TEL: 8320 

E-mail: suishin*biken.osaka-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)


Seminar Poster (PDF)


Biken Monthly Seminar Schedule From Oct. 2019 to Sep. 2020


