[Internal Event ]The 598th Biken Monthly Seminar on March 23rd

March 9, 2021

Events and Seminars

  Title Speaker Affiliation

Title 1

Identification of public Tfh clonotypes shared and expanded in recovered COVID-19 patients and their cross-reactive epitopes in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and microbiota

 Xiuyuan Lu

Molecular Immunology

Title 2

Acid addiction of cells triggered by lysosomal exocytosis

Yosuke Funato Dept. of Cellular Regulation

※We set our participant limit in Taniguchi Memorial Hall to 100. You can view the streaming live video in Seminar Space at 1F Biken Main Hall.


Chair: Sujin Kang (IFReC  Immune Regulation)

Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 4-5 pm
Venue: Taniguchi Memorial Hall


*The first speaker will present in English and the second speaker will present in Japanese.

**This is a credit recognition seminar for the Master's and Doctoral Degree Programs of the Graduate School of Medicine. 
***The seminar has been certified as a newly appointed researchers training program as part of the Osaka University Faculty Development.



Contact: Ryo Iwamoto / Aya Imura
Office for Research Promotion, RIMD
TEL: 8320 or 8260
E-mail: suishinr*biken.osaka-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)


Seminar Poster (PDF)


Schedule From Oct. 2019 to Sep. 2020
