10/1 (月)セミナー




日 時

平成30年10月1日(月)17:00 - 

場 所 微生物病研究所 本館1F 微研ホール
演 者

Dr. Jincai Luo

Laboratory of Vascular Biology

The Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM), Peking University.

演 題

New regulators of endothelial vWF secretion: its implications in vascular inflammation, thrombosis and bleeding.

要 旨

Dr. Luo has been focusing on endothelial exocytosis related to bleeding/thrombosis and vascular inflammation as well as signal transduction in angiogenesis/lymphangiogensis related to ischemia and tumor. He is now an associate editor of Frontiers in Physiology and Cancer Science. Recently, his group has published research articles in prestigious journals such as PNAS, Cell Res,Nat Commun and Blood, and invited reviews in Trends Cell Biol and Cardiovasc Res.


高倉 伸幸 教授(情報伝達分野)



情報伝達分野 高倉伸幸(内線8316)
E-mail: ntakaku*biken.osaka-u.ac.jp(*を@に変えて下さい)

