9/19 Vasculotide, An Angiopoietin 1 Mimetic, Protects Vascular Barrier Function In Acute Lung Injury



カナダでCSO(Chief Science Officer)としてベンチャー企業Vasomume Therapeutics をたちあげた Dr. Paul Van Slykeによるセミナーを開催します。



日 時

平成30年9月19日(水)13:30 -14:30 

場 所 微生物病研究所 本館1F 微研ホール
演 者

Paul Van Slyke, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer, Vasomune Therapeutics
Sunnybrook Research Institute

演 題

Vasculotide, An Angiopoietin 1 Mimetic, Protects Vascular Barrier Function In Acute Lung Injury

要 旨

Tie2 is a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed primarily on endothelial cells throughout the body. Constitutive activation of this receptor, through engagement with its cognate ligand Angiopoietin 1, is critical to the maintenance of normal vascular barrier function. Dysregulation of the Tie2 pathway has been widely implicated in several critical care indications marked by vascular leak. As such, modulation of the Tie2 pathway has become a major target of interest for the pharmaceutical industry.

Vasomune Therapeutics, a private biotechnology company based in Toronto, Canada has recently entered into a Co-Development Agreement with AnGes, Inc.  (Osaka) to develop Vasculotide, an Angiopoietin 1 mimetic, for the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The concept for Vasculotide as well as preclinical proof-of-concept data derived from three different models of ARDS will be discussed.


高倉 伸幸 教授(情報伝達分野)

協 力 大阪大学 Innovators' Club



E-mail: biken-pr*biken.osaka-u.ac.jp(*を@に変えて下さい)

