1/15(Mon)Drug Distribution at SHIV Infection Sites in the Macaque Female Reproductive Tract, etc.

January 15, 2018

Events and Seminars

The lecture will be given in English


Monday, January 15th, 2018, 15:00- 17:00

Seminar 1

Speaker: Prof. Thomas Hope(Professor,Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA)

Title:Drug Distribution at SHIV Infection Sites in the Macaque Female Reproductive Tract 

Seminar 2

Speaker:Dr. João Mamede(Post Doctoral Fellow, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA)

Title: Live Cell Imaging of HIV-1 Reverse Transcription

 Biken Hall, RIMD main building 1F


 Associate Prof. Emi E Nakayama (Viral Infections, RIMD) (Ex.8348)
