11/24(Fri) Seminars in Taniguchi Memorial Hall

November 9, 2017

Events and Seminars


Friday, November 24th, 2017, 16:00-  

Seminar 1

Speaker:Professor Dr. Friedmann Kiefer(Mammalian Cell Signaling Laboratory Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster)

Title: Different importance of VE-cadherin for development and maintenance of various lymphatic vessel beds

Seminar 2

Speaker:Professor Dr. Dietmar Vestweber(Department of Vascular Cell Biology Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster)

Title: The role of VE-cadherin in regulating endothelial junctions in vivo

Taniguchi Memorial Hall, 1st Floor, Integ



 Professor Nobuyuki Takakura(Department of Signal Transduction) (Ex.8316)
