2016 Awards List

March 30, 2017


Prize Prize WinnerGroup Department Date
Best Article Award, Experimental Animals, The 63rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science Masahito Ikawa

Dept. of Experimental Genome Research

Animal Resource Center for Infectious Diseases

Incentive Award, The Japanese Society for Epigenetics 2016 Toshitsugu Fujita Chromatin Biochemistry Research Group 2016.5.20
Incentive Award, The 8th Signal Network Workshop Hiroya Okura Dept. of Oncogene Research 2016.5.27
Best Presentation Award, The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Inflammation and Regeneration Jia Weizhen Dept. of Signal Transduction 2016.6.17
Best Presentation Award, Workshop for Young Scientists 2016, Establising a new paradigm of pathogenesis of diseases through the understanding of stem cell aging Taichi Noda Dept. of Experimental Genome Research 2016.7.29
The 7th Incentive Award for Young scientists, Section for Veterinary Microbiology, The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science Keisuke Ishigaki Dept. of Molecular Bacteriology 2016.9.8
Best Presentation Award, The 4th Young Researchers Forum on Infectious Diseases Naoaki Shinzawa Dept. of Molecular Bacteriology 2016.9.8
Oral Presentaion Award, The 109th Annual Meeting for the Society for Reproduction and Development Taichi Noda Dept. of Experimental Genome Research 2016.9.14
The 12th Scientific Conference of Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences CALAS International Award for Young Scientists Haruhiko Miyata Dept. of Experimental Genome Research 2016.10.11
IWAA2016 Award Kenji Tanimura Dept. of Immnunochemistry 2016.10.13
IWAA2016 Award Ryosuke Hiwa Dept. of Immnunochemistry 2016.10.13
2016 Sugiura Incentive Award, the Japanese Sciety for Virology Toru Okamoto Dept. of Molecular Virology 2016.10.23
Best Poster Award, The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Sciety for Virology Kentaro Uemura Dept. of Molecular Virology 2016.10.25
The 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting JVBMO2016 Travel Award Hiroyasu Kidoya Dept. of Signal Transduction 2016.10.30
The 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting JVBMO2016 Travel Award Fumitaka Muramatsu Dept. of Signal Transduction 2016.10.30
Highly Cited Researchers 2016 Shizuo Akira Dept. of Host Defense 2016.11.16
Highly Cited Researchers 2016 Shintaro Sato Mucosal Vaccine Project 2016.11.16
Highly Cited Researchers 2016 Masahiro Yamamoto Dept. of Immunoparasitology 2016.11.16
Poster Presentation Award, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases Koichiro Suzuki Dept. of Molecular Bacteriology 2016.11.20
Oral Presentation Award, The 61st congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Emi Fujibayashi Dept. of Molecular Genetics 2016.11.26

Early Carrier Investigator Award, The 11th International Symposium of The Institute Newwork

Hiroyasu Kidoya Dept. of Signal Transduction 2017.1.27
Best Presentation Award 2016, The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology  Kouyuki Hirayasu Dept. of Immnunochemistry 2017.2.8
Best Poster Award, The 6th Cell Competiton Colloquium Naoyuki Kawase Dept. of Oncogene Research 2017.3.16
Poster Award, The 6th Cell Competiton Colloquium Ping-Kuan Chen Dept. of Oncogene Research 2017.3.16