Andre Pratama (Postdoc)Department of Bacterial Infections

Q1 Please tell us about your current role.

Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Bacterial Infections (Iida’s lab).

Q3 Why did you choose RIMD?

I first learned about RIMD when I was a master's student at the Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, Indonesia. Renowned as a leading global research institute, RIMD is distinguished for its comprehensive approach to basic research. Fueled by my curiosity about the molecular basis of how certain microbes can cause diseases, I selected RIMD as the ideal destination for my Ph.D. studies. I was fortunate to be accepted through the Taniguchi scholarship program.

Q4 Do you think RIMD is a good place to study science?

As someone who earned a Ph.D. here and is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at RIMD, I can attest that RIMD offers an excellent environment and unique opportunities to study alongside experts while utilizing cutting-edge tools in science.

Q5 What do you enjoy most about what you do?

What I enjoy most about my work is the opportunity to unravel the mysteries of the microbial world. Bacteria play crucial roles in various biological processes, and exploring their intricate interactions with hosts or environments is both fascinating and rewarding.

Q6 What do you do on a typical day?

During weekdays, my time is devoted to wet lab experiments, reading scientific papers, and engaging in discussions with sensei and students. On weekends, I love to engage in cooking experiments and play with my 2-year-old daughter.

Q7 What are the best and worst things about your life in Japan?

Orderliness of Japanese society.


Summer, so hot and humid!

Q8 What advice would you give for those wanting to study at RIMD?

If you are interested in basic science and fascinated by uncovering molecular mechanisms behind biological processes, then RIMD is the best place for you. Indeed, it will be challenging and demanding, but many people will support and help you achieve your goal.