[Internal Event] The 618th Biken Monthly Seminar on May 23【※Online】
May 9, 2023
Events and Seminars
Title・Speaker |
Title1 |
Identification of host factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 replication
Itsuki Anzai (Department of Molecular Virology) |
Title2 | Threonine Phosphorylation of STAT1 Transactivation Domain Controls the Host Inflammatory Response Hozaifa Metwally (Immune regulation, IFReC) |
※The seminar will be held Online (Zoom). Please ask your PI or secretary for the Zoom URL, ID, Pass code.
Chair: Kenji Ichiyama (IFReC Experimental Immunology)
Date:Tuesday, May 23 2023, 4:00pm-5:00pm
*The first presentation will be conducted in Japanese and the second will be conducted in English.
*This is a credit recognition seminar for the Master and Doctoral Degree Programs of the Graduate School of Medicine.
*The seminar is certified as a newly appointed researchers training program as part of the Osaka University Faculty Development.
*Zoom URL, ID, and Passcode will be provided via email to all labs. by a day before the seminar.
Contact: Ryo Iwamoto
Office for Research Promotion, RIMD
TEL: 8320
E-mail: suishin*biken.osaka-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)
Seminar Poster (PDF)
Biken Monthly Seminar Schedule From Oct. 2019 to Sep. 2020
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