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Department of Bacterial Infections


Department of Bacterial Infections


  1. Analysis of the bacterial colonization factors and their host receptors.
  2. Molecular analysis of the protein toxins produced by various enteropathogens.
  3. Analysis of the structure and function of the type III secretion system and the pathogenic mechanism of its effector.
  4. Genome analysis of bacterial pathogens to understand pathogenic mechanisms.

Published Papers

  1. Xiuhao Chen, Toshio Kodama, Tetsuya Iida and Takeshi Honda
    Microbiol Immunol, 51 (10), 951-961, 2007.
  2. Toshio Kodama, Mitsuhiro Rokuda, Kwon-Sam Park, Vlademir V Cantarelli, Shigeaki Matsuda, Tetsuya Iida and Takeshi Honda
    Cell Microbiol, 9 (11), 2598-2609, 2007.
  3. Toru Taniguchi and Takeshi Honda
    Nippon Rinsho, 65 Suppl 3, 91-97, 2007.
  4. Vlademir V Cantarelli, Toshio Kodama, Niels Nijstad, Said Kamal Abolghait, Shigeyuki Nada, Masato Okada, Tetsuya Iida and Takeshi Honda
    Cell Microbiol, 9 (7), 1782-1795, 2007.
  5. Mayumi Ueta, Tetsuya Iida, Masako Sakamoto, Chie Sotozono, Junko Takahashi, Kentaro Kojima, Kazuhisa Okada, Xiuhao Chen, Shigeru Kinoshita and Takeshi Honda
    J Med Microbiol, 56 (Pt 1), 77-82, 2007.
  6. Sabu Kasai, Kazuhisa Okada, Akinori Hoshino, Tetsuya Iida and Takeshi Honda
    J Biochem (Tokyo), 141 (2), 231-237, 2007.
  7. Daizo Hamada, Takashi Higurashi, Kouta Mayanagi, Tomoko Miyata, Takashi Fukui, Tatsuya Iida, Takeshi Honda and Itaru Yanagihara
    J Mol Biol, 365 (1), 187-195, 2007.


Last modified:2009/03/25 15:20:58
References:[Table of Contents 2007]