10/28 Seminar:Dr.Sudipto Saha

October 1, 2024

Events and Seminars

Title & Speaker
AI-enabled identification of Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria (ARB) and Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) from the sputum at the genome and metagenome levels.

Dr.Sudipto Saha

Department of Biological Sciences, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India


16:00~ Oct. 28, 2024


BikenHall, 1F Main building,
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (RIMD)

※ The lecture will be conducted in English.
※ This is a credit recognition seminar for Master Doctoral Degree Programs of the Graduate School of Medicine.


Shota Nakamura

Department of Infection Metagenomics

Email:nshota* gen-info.osaka-u.ac.jp(Please replace * with @)


Seminar Poster (PDF)



