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Pathogenic Microbes Repository Unit


Pathogenic Microbes Repository Unit;


  1. Isolation, collection, preservation and distribution of pathogenic microorganisms to facilitate research overseas as well as domestic.
  2. Development of rapid detection methods of pathogenic factors produced by enteropathogenic bacteria.
  3. Epidemiological and surveillance studies on enteropathogenic infection.

Papers published in 2012

  1. Xiaohui Zhou, Jennifer M Ritchie, Hirotaka Hiyoshi, Tetsuya Iida, Brigid M Davis, Matthew K Waldor and Toshio Kodama
    Infect. Immun., 80 (8), 2940-2947, 2012.
  2. Shigeaki Matsuda, Natsumi Okada, Toshio Kodama, Takeshi Honda and Tetsuya Iida
    PLoS Pathog., 8 (7), e1002803, 2012.
  3. Jennifer M Ritchie, Haopeng Rui, Xiaohui Zhou, Tetsuya Iida, Toshio Kodoma, Susuma Ito, Brigid M Davis, Roderick T Bronson and Matthew K Waldor
    PLoS Pathog, 8 (3), e1002593, 2012.
  4. Kazunori Murase, Tadasuke Ooka, Atsushi Iguchi, Yoshitoshi Ogura, Keisuke Nakayama, Md Asadulghani, Md Rakibul Islam, Hirotaka Hiyoshi, Toshio Kodama, Lothar Beutin and Tetsuya Hayashi
    Microbiology, 158 (Pt.3), 746-758, 2012.


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Last modified:2014/04/08 11:45:24
References:[Organizaion and Staff] [Table of Contents 2012]